Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Summer Breeze

Well. . . I finally changed my scent today!  The 'Calm Before the Storm' has been my favorite scent, so changing it was a difficult decision for me to do (as difficult as changing a scent in your home can be). But I felt like I needed something FRESH and ENERGIZING! I found it! I put in Tahitian Lime and Green Tea & Lemongrass! I absolutely love it! It feels so refreshing and absolutely energizing. As amazing as it is, it made me clean my house, which at the end of my days, is something that takes a lot of my energy.  I was hoping something would overpower the scent of dirty diapers that I'm changing constantly all day AND I DID. Just a little bit of it goes along way.  My new scent makes my home feel just like the name of the recipe says, 'Summer Breeze.' It makes me itching to start camping, fishing, bike riding, swimming, or just laying out on the fresh cut grass, having the sun beam it's warm rays and feeling the summer breeze hitting my skin!

If you are anxious for 'Summer Breeze' like I was or 
need something more energizing to get the winter funk out, get a hold of me!
or visit

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